The first part of this guide explains the first few steps to be taken in order to set up the writeback definitions on the Application UI.  


The following steps should be completed by the Application Admin which is the highest level of privilege of the app. After the initial setup is completed, the users with Workspace admin permission can easily control the resources. 


  1. Navigate to the Application UI by opening the App URL in the browser. This link is usually provided to you by your IT team. This URL normally contains the name of the host server, where the application was installed on and the HTTPS protocol. e.g. 
  2. (Recommended) Setting up a workspace. The second step is optional as the installed app already comes with an existing workspace. However, in case you needed additional workspaces for different departments or teams it is recommended to create those at this point. If you wanted to use a custom workspace, simply delete the default workspace and create a new resource group with a custom name. Additionally, it is possible to provide user admin access to the new workspace if you wanted it to be managed by other people as well. 
  3. Create Datasource. For the app you will need a working database of any kind that is supported by the software. All of the annotation rules (see below) will be stored in this database. It is useful to appoint a database user who is able to write data in the database and has a create table access. 
  4. Create Tableau Server. Add a Tableau Server where you want to set up the writeback functionality. 
  5. Create an Annotation Rule. Annotation Rules allow you to annotate the Tableau Dashboard. To create a new rule, you have to provide a Tableau Server (one that you created in step 4), a Data Source (created in step 3) that it writes back to, access control for the rule (meaning which users can perform annotations) and lastly the annotation form itself. Additionally, you can choose whether you want to set up a history table, approval processes and notification channels.